
‘He wanted to celebrate New Year, So decided to have a large beer, Having drunk that and more, He fell on the floor, With no resolution to fear.’

A.W. Rock features in Authoright’s quarterly publishing magazine, New Edition. The article shares their writer’s resolutions for the new year! See below.

My New Year’s Resolution by A.W. Rock.

Resolution (dictionary definition): a decision to do something or to behave in a certain manner.

I make resolutions on a daily basis – I resolve that I must work and achieve a certain amount – but these decisions inflict pressure to get it done, and I ask myself if this is constructive?

A New Year’s resolution can involve both psychological and physical commitments.
It might be a mental promise to be less selfish.
Or a physical pledge to exercise every day.

Whatever the undertaking, how long is it possible to maintain a New Year resolution?
A day, a week, a month, or the whole year until the next year’s decision?

What is the value of a New Year’s resolution if the resolver does not keep it?
The outcome is nearly always failure – so what is the point?
Is the failure to keep it up a failure?
Or is it acceptance of being human and fallible?

This year my resolution will be not to make a New Year’s resolution in the fear that I will not keep it.

He wanted to celebrate New Year,
So decided to have a large beer,
Having drunk that and more,
He fell on the floor,
With no resolution to fear.


New Edition December 2016
Published on Dec 8, 2016
Issue 31, December 2016 of New Edition, Authoright’s quarterly magazine for authors.



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