
‘Branen returns to one of his old haunts after being away for eight years…’

BLOG_Blogival_2017_BranenA few months into the new job, whilst he was back in London to photograph an anti-government demo, Branen decided to drop in on the Empire Room in Dean Street.
He was familiar with the club from his early days in Soho and he wanted to catch up with the owner, Ayo Wood.

“Look who we’ve got here, darlings…” said Ayo, as Branen hesitated in the doorway. “…My God man, come in… where have you been?”

The first part of Excerpt #2: Soho Honey by A.W. Rock – Featured at Carol’s Notebook as part of Clink Street’s Blogival.

Read the full versions here

Carol’s feature also includes a video clip – A.W. Rock on Branen, the main protagonist in his book.


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