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It was Sunday evening and the Crisis Response Team was off duty.

Eventually the team leader located and deployed them. The team of two men and a woman, were in the bar of The Crown & Two Chairman within three hours of the Controller’s order. They were indistinguishable from the rest of the weekend punters in the pub. Sunday was the quietest night of the week in Soho and the evening crowd consisted mostly of early clubbers who wanted a few rippers before moving on when the pubs closed.

When they reached the flat their plan of action was determined. The woman went straight back down to the street door to inform the agent on guard, then brought him inside to seal the door. Meanwhile the other man rang the Controller to tell her what they had found, and while he was waiting for instructions drew the curtains and put on the light.

Photographs were taken and a forensic examination completed. Two hours later the flat had been cleaned.

In the early hours of the morning when the street was empty the body was brought down in a roll of carpet and loaded into the van.

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